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This is a program written by Dr. Richard Ulm. He created it through trial and error on his successful journey to achieving Sinsiter, which became official in July 2023. Since that time he has tested this program's efficacy with several athletes who have since acheived sinister, such as his wife Jackie Ulm and Dr. Andrew Busch. 


In thihs program you will get:

  • Multiple program/split options (3 day, 4 day, and 5 day) to accomodate your schedule.
  • Detailed explanation of the progression for the Swings, the Turkish Get-Ups and accessory metabolic training that he needed to use because he wanted to avoid injury to his spine.
  • Accessory training ideas and examples.


If you are serious about achieving Sinsiter, this program is proven to work and will help you immensely. 


About the Author:


Dr. Ulm is a former elite track athlete and division 1 strength coach. He is now a physician who specializes in functional rehabilitation and sports performance. 


Dr. Ulm achieved Sinsiter at the age of 46. He went into this journey with 3 severe disc herniations, injuries he sustained while training for the Olympics. This program was enabled him to achieve Sinsiter without any injury to his lower back. 


Dr. Ulm is also an accomplished kettlebell athlete.

  • He clocked an official 3:07 snatch test (100 Single Arm Snatches with the 24kg) at his RKC-1 certification course. 
  • He is the creator of the Super Sinister test (100 unbroken Single Arm Swings + 10 Turkish Get-Ups in only 5 minutes), which has been adopted by StrongFirst. He has written 3 articles for StrongFirst about this program.
  • He has gotten a Turkish Get-Up on both sides with the 68Kg (150lb) kettlebell (see video above)

Athlete Enhancement Guide to Achieving Sinister

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