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Come join us for an increidible experience filled with learning, comraderie, and wine on July 26-27th, 2025 in Napa Valley. At this once-in-a-lifetime experience, we will be having a 1 1/2 day semainar with Alena Kobesova, MD, PhD, Brett Winchester, DC, and Richard Ulm, DC. This course will not be offered again. 


This is a lot more than a stanadard course you just attend. It is an event. Here you will see 3 presentaitons from 3 different Lead Instructors of DNS including the co-founder of DNS, Alena Kobesova, MD, PhD. Here you will commune with DNS enthusiasts from all over the world. Lunch is provided and, appropoe of the location, we will have a tasting event at which all the attendees and their guests will enjoy wine and conversation. It truly is a onece-in-a-lifetime opportunity. 


Here is the format:


There will be three lectuers, each of which will run roughly 3 hours in length. Again, lunch, coffeee, and wine during the tasting will be included in your cost. 


Alena Kobesova will dig deep into Neurological Foundations of Athletic Performance: A DNS Approach. Alena has worked with some of the premier legends of rehabilitation: Vladimir Janda, MD, Karl Lewitt, MD, and (of course) Pavel Kolar, PT, PhD. Alena teaches neurolgy at the Charles University, the home of the Prague School of Rehabilitation. In her talk, she will dig deep into the neurology of DNS. DNS is a system based in neurology. Often, we get distracted by the developmental kinesiology exercises that are the hallmark of DNS, but in truth, DNS is an approach the rehabilitaiton that is based on neurology. Whether you are new to DNS or an experienced DNS clinician, this presentation will fill in many gaps you may have in your understanding of DNS. 


Brett Winchester will be presenting on Treating the Baseball Athlete. Brett has worked with professional baseball players for more than 10 years and is a highly respected clinician in the rehab profession. In his talk he will show how he assess and treats baseball athletes from youth to professional. If you work with baseball players (or even overhead athletes) this presentation will improve your outsomes with this challenging population. 


Richard Ulm will be presenting on Treating the Strength Training Athlete. Prior to being a clinician, Dr.  Ulm was a NCAA Division I strength coach for nearly a decade. He had been in the strength training profession since the mid 1990's. He is the creator of the popular DNS Strength Training track. He has been treating strength athletes (Powerlifting, Throwing, CrossFit, Olympic Weightlifting, etc) for nearly 15 years. In this presentaion, he will show many new assessments, treatments, and considerations when trating strength training athletes. If you work with atheltes, this will be a game-changing presentatiaon. 


All atteendees must pay the €80 Prague School fee.


Course Location:

Napa Valley Marriott Hotel & Spa 

3425 Solano Ave

Napa, CA 94558


Group: DNS Napa

Room Rate: $389.00/night

Number: 707-253-8600

Room availability is limited!!!


Course Schedule:
Saturday, July 26th
09:00 - 12:00 Lecture (Brett Winchester - Treating the Baseball Athlete)

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch (Provided

13:00 - 16:00 Lecture (Alena Kobesova - Neurology of DNS) 

16:00 - 17:00 Group wine tasting

Sunday, July 27th
9:00a - 12:00p Lectuer (Richard Ulm - Treating the Strength Training Athlete)
12:00p End of Course

DNS Napa

$800.00 Regular Price
$700.00Sale Price
  • Cancellations more than 30 days from the course will be charged a $75 cancellation fee. Cancellations within 30 days of the course will be charged a $200 cancellation fee. 

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